Some of the projects completed by Headwaters Trails
Water Works Park Bridge Mott Foundation grant on behalf of the Village of Holly
Obtained a grant from Saginaw Bay WIN to design and install Kiosks at Waterworks Park, Waste WaterTreatment Plant, Strom Park and future Fish Lake Rd launch. grant from Saginaw Bay WIN to design and install
Obtained a grant from Saginaw Bay WIN to purchase mile markers for along the river between Holly and Fenton. Headwaters Trails installed those markers along with some emergency take out signs.
Obtained a grant from REI to build the Waterworks Park launch and install a bench.
Obtained a grant from National Geographic to reconstruct a bridge on the trail that crosses the river behind the Holly Academy. The wood one was burned, so this was built of steel.
Shiawassee River designation as National Water Trail: Headwaters Trails spearheaded the idea of making the River into a Water Trail, first by organizing the first cleanup of the river in years between Holly and Fenton, then getting Oakland County to help design trail markers and the kiosks on the river. Oakland County was the first to recognize the river as a Heritage Water Trail. Over time, Headwaters Trails started clearing more and more of the river. The stretch from Fenton to Lake Ponemah was a challenge because a tornado had dropped a lot of logs in the river. Many of the down stream sections of the river were clogged with debris because of tornadoes then came emerald ash borer that killed a lot of trees that keep falling into the river. Each year we went a little further till we started clearing the river in the spring from Holly all the way to the Walnut Hills Campground in Durand, an effort that typically takes 50 people over two days in the spring to get open. Sue Julian promoted the water trail to other communities, resulting in the Shiawassee Water Trail Coalition and Sue was the one who got Barbara Nelson Jamison from the National Park Service to come out and assist us in organizing the Coalition and preparing the application for National Water Trail status.
Headwaters Trails has secured grants and funds to purchasee Mile Markers to install along the 88 miles of the Shiawassee River National Water Trail. We are working with local communities along the river to install these markers.
Built walking trails in Sorensen Park and cleared invasive autumn olive plants.
Replanted trees in areas devastated by the tornado.
Fish Lake Road Launch: Raised the money to purchase the property that will has become the Fish Lake Road Launch and Headwaters Trails contributed money to help Holly Township purchase the 13 acre property across the river from the launch property. Work is now completed, the site has been deeded to Holly township and and has been opened for public usage.
Trails: Worked with Silverman Construction to build trails on the property that became Pulte subdivisions on either side of the river next to the Holly Academy. permission to build a trail across Township property that joined those communities and then permission to extend that trail to Seven Lakes State Park. Headwaters Trails Headwaters Trails worked on defining trails on the 13 acre property that join the connecting trail behind the Holly Academy. We are still trying to promote the idea of getting grants to improve those trails. Headwaters Trails contributed money to buy the property that is at the north end of Water Road, so that it can eventually become a trail. The land was donated to Oakland County Parks. Headwaters Trails promoted the idea of horse trails to Oakland County Parks by getting horse owners together for an event to ride on the roads in Rose Township. Merle Richmond of Headwaters then worked with Oakland County Parks on the design of bridges and trails at Rose Oaks that would be horse friendly.