Contact Headwaters Trails

Here are several ways to contact Headwaters Trails:

Contact Info

Headwaters Trails inc
PO Box 33
Holly, MI 48442

Sue Julian, President Contact Sue
Mary Blanchard, Vice President
Rex Mathewson, Treasurer
Chuck Julian, Secretary
Contact Chuck


Headwaters Trails inc is not involved in kayak rentals or shuttling services.

If you are looking for this type of service try contacting Sarah Stiles at Shiawassee River Shuttle.
Phone (810) 206-2002

Become a Member

Download, print complete the form and mail to the provided address.


Donations are tax deductible. All donations are used to support the goals and projects of Headwaters Trails and none of the money is used to pay support staff. You may earmark your donation for specific projects. Use the membership form to submit a donation.


Contact us to lend a hand

Volunteer Opportunities:

River Cleanup

Headwaters Trails members get involved in an annual river cleanup in the spring.  The cleanup is done using Best Practices methods, as spelled out by the MDNR.  We clear the river enough that boats can get through yet leave most of the trees in the water for bank protection and fish habitat.  The work involves cutting trees and brush with loppers, hand saws, and chain saws, and pulling trash from the river, meaning anything from paper, bottles, cans, old tires, and other debris that either got washed into the river or was thrown in.  If this is something that you would like to do with us, contact Chuck Julian. He will put you on the list of people to call for cleanups. 

Contact Chuck

Adventure Paddle, second Sunday in June

Volunteers will be needed beginning at 10am to: 

  • Direct parking (2 hours)
  • Provide return transportation for canoes/kayaks (you need to bring a pick-up truck) (2 hours)
  • Take registrations (11:00-1:00)
  • Help at an information booth (2 hours)
  • Greet paddlers at the end point and help them out of the water (3 hours)
  • Assist paddlers at points of difficulty along the route.(variable time)
  • Serve as a sweep boat (4 hours)
  • Tow boat on the Fenton Mill Pond in case of wind or tired paddlers (variable time)Bring your own canoe or kayak so that you can join in the paddling fun after helping out. We hope all our great volunteers will enjoy paddling that day as well as take pride in helping to put on a premier Adventure Paddle event.

Fall Color Paddle

Headwaters Trails sponsors a Fall Color Paddle the first Saturday in October.  Volunteers are needed to assist in this event.

Contact Chuck

Trail Building Volunteers Needed

Headwaters Trails works on land and water trails for multipurpose users and we always need help with construction. Several projects are ongoing–completing a connection by land to Seven Lakes State Park, improving safety measures near Academy footbridge, and potentially beginning work on trails in Rose Township.  We work continually throughout the year when volunteers are available. These efforts involve preparing the ground, putting in wood chips, cutting out invasive plants and more.

Contact Sue Julian for more information.

Planning and Monthly Board Meetings

The monthly board meetings at 7pm on the first Wednesday of each month are key to advancing our trails projects. Everyone is welcome to attend at 315 S. Broad St. in the Village Chambers Room, at the back of the Holly Police Station. Come and contribute your interests and skills.

Contact Sue Julian for more information.

Weekdays after school 

Help in the Headwaters Trail office at 204 Franklin Street in Rose Township which is located in “Rose Center” off Milford Road. We need sign painting and display planning, help with data entry, and help with publicity for upcoming fundraisers.

Contact Sue Julian to confirm.

Membership and Donation Information

Ongoing work :

Office help at 204 Franklin Street, Holly (research, writing, filing, etc.)

Fundraising assistance (greeter at events, writing, mailings, data base work)

Trail work (clearing and grading, wood chipping, removing river deadfalls)

River Trail development — race promotion, signage, fundraising

Beautification (planting and maintaining flowers and trees along trails)




Lend your financial support to the mission of Headwaters Trails, Inc.